Chen Suwei sets Chinese record for swimming English Channel!
2018-08-07 08:58     Source : Dongguan Today

Chen Suwei officially entered the water at 03:23 on 3rd August and began his English Channel swim.

Chen Suwei, from Gaochbu town in Dongguan, officially entered the Dover water at 03:23 on 3rd August local time (10:23 Beijing time) to begin swimming the English Channel. At 14:31 (21:31 Beijing time) he successfully completed his English Channel crossing, taking 11 hours and 8 minutes.

The English Channel

The English Channel, known in French as La Manche Strait, is the stretch of water separating Britain from the European continent, and which connects the Atlantic Ocean to the North Sea.
The strait is 560 km (350 miles) long and 240 km (150 miles) wide. The narrowest point is known as the Dover Strait, which is only 34 km (21 miles) wide. Dover in England and Calais in France are the closest land points between the countries.

Chen Suwei successfully crossed the English Channel taking 11 hours and 8 minutes.

Chen Suwei crossed the English Channel successfully and landed gloriously.

Editor: 彭琬娟