The English version of health declaration WeChat mini-programme was launched on January 31st (search ‘海关旅客指尖服务国际版’ on WeChat), according to the Guangdong Customs. The programme allows English input and facilitates foreign passengers to complete the health declaration at borders.
Scan the code to enter English-version health declaration WeChat mini-programme
The Chinese version of the programme was launched on January 26th and has serviced 680, 526 users by February 2nd. It allows passengers to complete the health declaration in less than 2 minutes, which greatly shortens the time for custom clearance and helps reducing the infection risk caused by people gatherings.
With the WeChat programme, inbound and outbound passengers do not need to choose a specific port for declaration beforehand. Passengers can make the online declaration 24 hours before they enter or exit the checkpoints, and their information can be processed by any checkpoints nationwide.
Passengers will gain a QR code once they have completed the online declaration. They can skip the handwriting procedure with just a scan of the QR code and cross the border after passing through the body temperature checks.
Author| Jasmine, Zoey