07/11/2018 11:51
    05/29/2018 12:40
    中国科学院第十九次院士大会、中国工程院第十四次院士大会28日上午开幕,习近平出席会议并发表重要讲话。7. 自力更生是中华民族自立于世界民族之林的奋斗基点,自主创新是我们攀登世界科技高峰的必由之路。
    05/06/2014 11:20
    Dongguan eco industrial park Dongguan eco industrial park Dongguan eco industrial park Dongguan eco industrial park Dongguan eco industrial park Dongguan eco industrial park
    05/05/2014 18:50
    Lotus bloom on the lake
    05/05/2014 18:37
    Vibrance blossoms everyday
    05/05/2014 18:21
    Rainbow in the city
    05/05/2014 18:18
    05/05/2014 17:53
    03/04/2014 11:35
    As the spring has begun, the purple and pale yellow blossoms are in full bloom. From March to April, the blooming flowers will attract streams of visitors to Qingxi Township every spring.
    01/14/2014 09:48
    On the morning of 12th January, a 5km New Years run was held in Dongguan's Hongmei Township, attracting over 1,800 teenagers. Based on the colour run, the event included innovative elements such as...
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