Top 7 Chinese New Year Snacks     02/04/2016 17:25

During the Chinese New Year period, every family will prepare various snacks and fruits, both for the family and visitors. Placed in candy dishes, these Chinese New Year snacks and fruits are picked for their auspicious symbols of good wishes for a new year.

China Highlights will introduce you to some top Chinese New Year snacks that you might find in every family home when you pay a New Year visit.

Red Dates

Red is the lucky color in China, meaning booming and prosperous. Dates (枣 zǎo) have the same pronunciation as "early" (早 zǎo), meaning a head start. That is why red dates are always eaten on jubilant occasions, including festivals, wedding ceremonies, housewarming parties, and a baby's completion of its first month of life.

As a top Chinese New Year snack, red dates are served as a dried fruit. You can eat them with your fingers or cut them into slices to make tea.

来源:China Highlights     Editor:谭晶
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