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The red marks——Picture exhibition of revolutionary sites in Dongguan
2021-06-18 11:09     Source : Dongguan Today


Exhibition time: June 18 to August 18, 2021

Venue: Deng Erya & Huang Banruo Literature Exhibition Hall in Dongguan People’s Park

A hundred representative revolutionary sites are selected to display in the exhibition in pictures and words. Divided into three parts: extraordinary times, remembering history and imperishable noble spirit, the collection covers the sites of important party organizations and conferences, relics of revolutionary struggle, important battle sites, former residence, memorial sites and monuments of revolutionists, including the site of the rostrum on which Zhou Enlai delivered a speech during the Eastern Expedition, the site of Dongguan special branch of the Communist Party of China, the site of Dalingshan Anti-Japanese Aggression Base,as well asother sites of significant influence in Guangdong Province and even the whole country.

This is the first time for Dongguan to display the revolutionary sites with a red history comprehensively and systematically, which reproduces the revolutionary history of Dongguan people's heroic struggle for national independence and people's liberation. It will urge the audience to remember the arduous revolution and the indomitablerevolutionary martyrs, inherit and carry forward the spirit of revolutionary tradition and strive to advance along the long march of the new era.

Editor: Chen Xiaoqian