CPC history in classics of Dongguan artwork①
2021-06-29 09:32     Source : Dongguan Today

The year 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). During the century-old journey of the CPC, Dongguan artists have taken the lead to record every significant moment of the Chinese revolution through their works.

Let’s review the glorious moments in the century-old course of the CPC via the classicred artworks produced by Dongguan artists.

New-democratic Revolution Period (1919-1949)

The CPC guided the Chinese people on the arduous struggle during the new-democratic revolution period. Dongguan artists, such as Chen Yanqiao, Zhang Songhe, Li Binghong, Li Hanyi, Lu Baisen and Wu Jinchao, produced numerous classic artworks to commemorate the heroic deeds.


“Nanchang Uprising” by Li Binghong

The famous oil-painter Li Binghong(1913—1986) was born in Hohgay, Vietnam, originally from Fenggang Town, Dongguan. He was the associate dean and professor in the Zhejiang Academy of Art and director of the China Artists Association.

Created by Li in 1960, the oil-painting “Nanchang Uprising” is now collected in the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution. The five leaders of the uprising, including Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, He Long, Ye Ting and Liu Bocheng, were conducting the final deployment on a revolt in Nanchang before dawn.On August 1st in 1927, the CPC fired the first shot of resistance to Kuomintang reactionaries, unveiling the prelude of the armed struggle independently led by the CPC and the founding of a revolutionary army.

Editor: Chen Xiaoqian