The 8th China - Dongguan Musical Festival inaugurated
2022-06-29 09:50     Source : Dongguan Today


On June 24, the 8th China-Dongguan Musical Festival was inaugurated. The event was guided by the Publicity Office of Dongguan Municipal committee of CPC and sponsored by the China Musical Association, Culture, Radio, Film, Television and Tourism Sports Bureau of Dongguan Municipality and Education Bureau of Dongguan Municipality.

The musical festival will last from June to September, during which a total of 36 performances of 20 outstanding plays will be staged in turn, bringing delightful performances while enhancing the citizens' sense of cultural well-being and belonging.

The musical festival showcase includes the well-received "Stars Picking"(《摘星辰》),the highly sought-after "Fan letter"(《粉丝来信》),the Chinese original musical "Orphan of the House Tcho"(《赵氏孤儿》),the "The Fallen Angel" (《人间失格》)with a star-studded cast,the "Soul Ferry of Eternal Life"(《灵魂摆渡之永生》), critically acclaimed, and the aesthetic "Lee Hou-chu"(《南唐后主》),etc.

The organizer also launched a series of events which allows audiences to appreciate internationally renowned classic musicals through high-definition videos, such as "Jekyll & Hyde"(《变身怪医》), "The Count of Monte Cristo"(《基督山伯爵》) and "Anna Karenina"(《安娜·卡列尼娜》).

Editor: Zheng Sihui