Dongguan: a city devoted to reading
2024-04-23 09:25     Source : DongguanToday


From 2006 to 2015, Dongguan consistently ranked 9th in book consumption on, making it one of the top ten cities nationwide with the highest book purchases. In the 2019 Amazon China Kindle Paid E-book Per Capita Purchase City Rankings, Dongguan stood out as the only prefecture-level city to enter the top ten.

Reports on national reading habits released annually by various book purchasing platforms such as Dangdang,, and Amazon have consistently shown that Dongguan has been among the top ten cities in book consumption for over a decade, securing its place in the top three of "Guangdong Province's Most Book-Loving Cities."

Libraries can be seen everywhere in Dongguan. In addition to the Dongguan Library, all 33 towns and districts have branch libraries. There are 53 branch libraries, 102 bookmobile service stations, 530 grassroots service points in villages and communities, 142 urban reading stations, and 68 picture book libraries. Furthermore, there are bookmobiles roaming the streets, making Dongguan truly a city of literary culture.

Perhaps lesser-known are Dongguan's picture book libraries. Catering primarily to children aged 0-12, some are located within municipal or town libraries, while others are situated in community centers, kindergartens, primary schools, enterprises, or other activity centers within towns and streets. There are also picture book libraries serving special groups of children at the Municipal Children's Hospital and the Municipal Rehabilitation Experimental School.

Currently, Dongguan's library system for picture books boasts a collection of over 700,000 classic picture books from both domestic and international sources, offering children rich, age-appropriate, and high-quality reading resources. The collections of picture book libraries in many urban areas exceed 10,000 volumes and even surpass 20,000 volumes! Moreover, most picture book libraries in Dongguan allow for city-wide borrowing and returning.

Editor: Liu Ke