10,000 RMB! 'My Guangdong Story' short video solicitation calls for global entries
2022-08-04 20:54     Source : newsgd.com

Your videos on Guangdong could win you some serious cash prizes, up to 10,000 RMB. All you need to do is produce your video and take part in the event "My Guangdong Story" Global Solicitation for Short Videos.

The event is open to all teams and individuals worldwide from August 2 to October 15, with an offline sharing event in November this year.

You just need to make a video to share your unique stories of Guangdong. Your life, career, a bite of culture, once-in-a-lifetime travel here... All are welcome!

How to participate:

1. Enter the event's official webpage on the homepage of Newsgd.com (www.newsgd.com/mygdstory), and submit your entries.

2. Post your short videos on Douyin (抖音), add hashtag #粤拍粤钟意 , and tag the official account of Southcn.com (@南方网) to join in.

Scan the QR code to visit the official webpage

Scan the QR code with Douyin App to join the event


Submission: From August 2 to October 15, 2022

Online voting: From the end of August to the end of October, 2022

Offline sharing event: November, 2022

Editor: Zheng Sihui