Dongguan's Battle against Covid-19 Outbreak > Official Announcements
An Important Reminder from CDC Dongguan
2022-04-02 09:14     Source : Dongguan Foreign Affairs, Donguan CDC

According to the current epidemic situation at home and abroad, Dongguan city faces formidable pressure to prevent imported cases and domestic relapse. In order to further refine our epidemic containment measures and urge the public to fulfil their personal prevention and control responsibilities, the Health Management Measures for those who come or return to Dongguan are now adopted as follows:

1. Individuals who come or return to Dongguan from other provinces should take PCR testing 2 times within 3 days of arrival (time interval should be at least 24 hours) and practice self-health monitoring for 11 days. In principle, individuals should be limited to residential and workplaces without gathering or dining with others and avoid public transportation, including buses and metro.

2. For those coming or returning to Dongguan from the prefecture-level cities (including districts of Prefectures and Municipalities directly under the Central Government) where local cases have been found, within the past 14 days, they shall present a negative PCR testing result within 24 hours with green health code, report to their employer and residential community. In addition, they should be limited to residential and workplaces without gathering or dining together and avoid public transportation, including buses and metro. Other individuals should practice health monitoring for 3 days at home plus self-health monitoring for another 11 days and should not go out or return to school or work unless necessary for the first 3 days. In addition, they should take the PCR testing on the 1st and 3rd days.

3. For those coming or returning to Dongguan from high-risk cities (including districts of Prefectures and Municipalities directly under the Central Government) and counties from medium-risk cities (districts and counties of sub-provincial prefecture-level towns and cities, and districts of municipalities directly under the central government), they should practice home quarantine for 3 days plus self-health monitoring at home for another 11 days. In addition, they should take the PCR testing on the 1st, 3rd and 14th day.

4. Those coming or returning to Dongguan from areas that indicate a high risk of community transmission and a severe transmission risk to our city should practice home quarantine for 7 days plus self-health monitoring at home for another 7 days. In addition, they should take the PCR testing on the 1st, 3rd, 7th and 14th day.

5. For those coming or returning to Dongguan from counties of high-risk cities (districts and counties of sub-provincial cities and prefecture-level cities, and districts of municipalities directly under the central government), counties or districts from medium-risk areas, they should home quarantine for 14 days. In addition, they should take the PCR testing on the 1st, 3rd, 7th and 14th day. On the 14th day, they will receive PCR testing in two different ways.

6. Those coming or returning to Dongguan from high-risk areas should receive centralized quarantine for 14 days. In addition, they should take the PCR testing on the 1st, 3rd, 7th and 14th day, with double PCR testing on the last day.

7. Those coming or returning to Dongguan from medium-and high-risk cities (including sub-provincial cities and municipalities directly under the central government) by train or bus should take PCR testing conducted by the carrier before boarding and present a negative PCR test result within 48 hours. For infants and young children under the age of 3, this policy could be relaxed to varying degrees as appropriate. In addition, they should take the PCR testing after arriving in Dongguan at the railway station or passenger station or take the PCR testing nearby as soon as possible within 24 hours.

8. All logistics and freight companies shall strictly shoulder the primary responsibility for epidemic prevention and control measures. Logistics, freight drivers and passengers coming or returning to Dongguan from epidemic-hit areas should strictly implement relevant epidemic containment measures of local governments and industry authorities.

9. Localities, government departments, and employers shall effectively shoulder their responsibilities and strengthen joint prevention and control measures. All townships and districts shall fulfil their obligations according to their jurisdiction; the competent department of each industry shall adopt the epidemic containment measures in compliance with the regulatory responsibility of the industry and business operation; employers, factories and enterprises shall shoulder the primary responsibility for epidemic response. All parties involved shall strictly implement the health management measures for those coming or returning to Dongguan.

10. Dongguan has set up fixed and temporary PCR sampling points for citizens with convenient nucleic acid testing services. Citizens should fulfil their responsibilities in individual prevention and control and report to their communities, employers or hotels within 12 hours of arrival from risk areas. Citizens should inform their friends and relatives who are coming or returning to Dongguan from medium-and high-risk areas or outside of Guangdong province in the near future about Dongguan's health management policies and the need to cooperate with medical quarantine observation, health monitoring and other health management measures. People who experience fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, decreased sense of smell (taste) etc., shall not postpone seeking medical treatment or take medicine by themselves. Please practice personal protection, avoid taking public transportation, visit the nearby fever clinic in time, and do not leave the hospital until a negative PCR testing result is issued.








六、对近14天有高风险地区旅居史的来(返)莞人员实施“集中隔离14天” ,在第1、4、7、10、14天开展核酸检测,其中第14天双采双检。




十、全市已设置固定和临时的核酸采样点,向市民群众提供就近、便利的核酸采样服务。市民群众应履行个人防控责任,从风险地区旅居地来(返)莞后12小时内主动向所在村(社区)、工作单位或所住酒店报告;主动告知近期拟从中高风险地区或省外返回、到访的亲朋好友我市健康管理政策,并配合做好医学隔离观察或健康监测等健康管理工作。市民群众如有出现发热、干咳、乏力、咽痛、嗅 (味)觉减退等症状,不要拖延就医,不要自行服药,请做好个人防护,避免乘坐公共交通工具,及时到就近的发热门诊就诊,在核酸检测阴性结果出具后再离开医院。

Editor: 谭晶